Aging and Disability 2015 Information & Referral/Assistance National Survey The Changing Landscape of I&R/A National Association of States United for Aging & Disabilities (NASUAD) in partnership with the National Council on Independent Living (NCIL) Thank you for your participation in the Aging and Disability 2015 Information & Referral/Assistance National Survey. The survey is designed to assess the state of Information and Referral/ Assistance (I&R/A) systems serving older adults and persons with disabilities. Findings from the survey will highlight important trends and developments in the provision of I&R/A services. The results of the survey will be compiled into a final report and shared with the I&R/A network. Please note that survey responses will be aggregated or otherwise de-identified in the final report. Please complete the survey by March 23, 2015. If you have questions or would like assistance with completing the survey, please contact Nanette Relave at 202-898-2578 x305 or Save and email your responses to Lindsay Baran at On behalf of NASUAD and NCIL, we thank you for your time and consideration in completing this survey. Your responses will provide a valuable contribution to our knowledge and understanding of the delivery of I&R/A to seniors and individuals with disabilities. Introductory Questions State: Staff Name: Job Title: Agency Name: Email: For the following questions, please place a "x" next to your selected answer or answers. If clarification or comments are necessary, please write your response after the question. Section 1. Overview Questions 1.1. Does your agency operate an Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC)? [ ] Yes [ ] No 1.2. Indicate which type of agency you work in: [ ] State Agency Aging (and Disability) [ ] Area Agency on Aging (AAA) [ ] Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) [ ] 211 [ ] Tribal Nation [ ] Center for Independent Living (CIL) [ ] Other Non-Profit Organization [ ] Other: 1.3. Do your job responsibilities include information and referral/assistance? [ ] Yes [ ] No 1.3.a. If yes, do you perform job responsibilities in addition to I&R/A (check all that apply)? [ ] Eligibility screening and/or determination [ ] Needs and/or functional assessment [ ] Case management/service coordination [ ] Consumer advocacy [ ] Options Counseling [ ] State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) counseling [ ] Person-centered planning [ ] Peer support [ ] Supervision/management [ ] Other: 1.3.b. If no, please describe your primary job responsibilities. Comments: Section 2. Services, Referrals, Service Needs 2.1. To what degree do each of the following options drive inquiries to your agency? Eldercare Locator: [ ] Frequently [ ] Some of the Time [ ] Rarely [ ] Never Statewide 800 number: [ ] Frequently [ ] Some of the Time [ ] Rarely [ ] Never Agency’s Website: [ ] Frequently [ ] Some of the Time [ ] Rarely [ ] Never Agency-run Social Media sites (i.e. Facebook/Twitter): [ ] Frequently [ ] Some of the Time [ ] Rarely [ ] Never Referral by other government agency: [ ] Frequently [ ] Some of the Time [ ] Rarely [ ] Never Referral by community partners: [ ] Frequently [ ] Some of the Time [ ] Rarely [ ] Never Community events or presentations: [ ] Frequently [ ] Some of the Time [ ] Rarely [ ] Never 211: [ ] Frequently [ ] Some of the Time [ ] Rarely [ ] Never Professional relationships: [ ] Frequently [ ] Some of the Time [ ] Rarely [ ] Never Family/friends/caregivers: [ ] Frequently [ ] Some of the Time [ ] Rarely [ ] Never Self-referrals: [ ] Frequently [ ] Some of the Time [ ] Rarely [ ] Never Healthcare Providers: [ ] Frequently [ ] Some of the Time [ ] Rarely [ ] Never Printed Resources, i.e. directories, flyers, brochures, etc.: [ ] Frequently [ ] Some of the Time [ ] Rarely [ ] Never 2.2. Does your agency conduct outreach to healthcare providers such as doctors, physician practices, hospitals or other providers to educate them about your services so that they are better able to refer their patients to your agency? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Do not know 2.2.a. If yes, please describe your outreach practices for engaging with healthcare providers. Comments: 2.3. Does your agency conduct outreach and education to family caregivers so that they are better able to refer family members to your agency’s services? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Do not know 2.3.a. If yes, please describe your outreach and education practices for engaging with family caregivers. Comments: 2.4. Select how often I&R/A specialists provide services in each of these settings by indicating below “frequently,” “some of the time,” “rarely” or “never.” In person at service site: [ ] Frequently [ ] Some of the Time [ ] Rarely [ ] Never In person at consumer’s home or other location chosen by the person: [ ] Frequently [ ] Some of the Time [ ] Rarely [ ] Never Over the telephone: [ ] Frequently [ ] Some of the Time [ ] Rarely [ ] Never Over email: [ ] Frequently [ ] Some of the Time [ ] Rarely [ ] Never Over online chat: [ ] Frequently [ ] Some of the Time [ ] Rarely [ ] Never Over text messaging: [ ] Frequently [ ] Some of the Time [ ] Rarely [ ] Never Other (please indicate other type): [ ] Frequently [ ] Some of the Time [ ] Rarely [ ] Never 2.5. Mark the TOP FIVE most frequent requests I&R specialists receive for information on services and/or resources (choose 5) [ ] Adult day services [ ] Adult Protective Services [ ] Assistive Technology [ ] Benefits Analysis/Assistance [ ] Care Transitions (i.e. transition from institutional to community-based living) [ ] Case management [ ] Community aid and assistance programs (i.e. bill assistance; grants for basic needs) [ ] Congregate meals [ ] Domestic violence [ ] Education [ ] Employment [ ] Family caregiver support [ ] Financial assistance [ ] Food assistance (i.e. help purchasing food; food pantry) [ ] Health insurance counseling (i.e. State Health Insurance Assistance Program) [ ] Home delivered meals [ ] Homemaker services [ ] Home modifications [ ] Housing assistance [ ] Independent living skills [ ] Legal services [ ] Medicaid [ ] Medicare [ ] Mental health services [ ] Peer support/counseling [ ] Personal care [ ] Recreation [ ] Respite care [ ] Social Security disability benefits applications/claims assistance [ ] Transportation [ ] Utility Assistance (i.e. Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program or other program) [ ] Vehicle adaptations/modifications [ ] Veterans Assistance [ ] Youth transition programs/services [ ] Other: 2.6. Mark the TOP FIVE most frequent UNMET service needs identified in the past year (choose 5) [ ] Adult day services [ ] Assistive Technology [ ] Benefits Analysis/Assistance [ ] Care Transitions (i.e. transition from institutional to community-based living) [ ] Dental care [ ] Elder abuse/exploitation [ ] Employment [ ] Family caregiver support [ ] Financial assistance [ ] Food assistance (i.e. help purchasing or accessing food) [ ] Health insurance [ ] Homemaker services [ ] Home modifications [ ] Housing assistance [ ] Legal services [ ] Long-term care/long-term services and supports funding [ ] Mental health services [ ] Personal care [ ] Prescription drug assistance [ ] Respite care [ ] Health insurance counseling [ ] Transportation [ ] Utility Assistance [ ] Veterans Assistance [ ] Youth transition programs/services [ ] Other: 2.7. Describe any changes in the demographic characteristics of individuals seeking I&R/A at your agency over the last two years (for example, is your agency serving more inquirers with disabilities under age 60 or more inquirers over age 60). Comments: 2.8. Do I&R/A specialists in your agency screen inquirers for potential eligibility for Medicare low-income subsidies (i.e. the Medicare Savings Programs and the Medicare Part D Low-Income Subsidy “Extra Help”)? [ ] Yes [ ] No 2.8.a. If yes, does your agency (check all that apply): [ ] Help individuals apply for these benefits [ ] Refer individuals to other organizations or agencies to help with applying [ ] Other: 2.8.b. If yes, does your agency (check all that apply): [ ] Target younger individuals with disabilities eligible for Medicare low-income subsidies [ ] Target older adults eligible for Medicare low-income subsidies [ ] Other: 2.9. Describe any practices used in your agency to target older adults and/or younger individuals with disabilities eligible for Medicare low-income subsidies. Comments: 2.10. Would you be willing to participate in a follow-up phone interview to share successful practices in outreach and assistance to older adults and/or younger individuals with disabilities eligible for Medicare low-income subsidies? [ ] Yes [ ] No 2.11. Would your agency be interested in receiving outreach materials about the Medicare low-income subsidies? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] My agency already has such materials Section 3. Social Media 3.1. Does your organization use social networking services (such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Youtube) to connect with consumers, family members, and caregivers? [ ] Yes [ ] No 3.1.a. If yes, please indicate which of the following social networking services your organization uses to connect with consumers, family members, and caregivers. (Check all that apply) [ ] Facebook [ ] LinkedIn [ ] Twitter [ ] Youtube [ ] Other: 3.1.b. If no, please explain why your organization is NOT participating in any social networking websites. (Check all that apply) [ ] It is against company policy. [ ] Firewalls prevent us from visiting those sites. [ ] We don't have time to maintain the site. [ ] It is not useful to our clients. [ ] Staff do not have the technical skills or training to pursue [ ] Fear of legal issues [ ] Other 3.2. How often does your organization post new information on the social networking sites? [ ] Daily [ ] Weekly [ ] Monthly [ ] Less than monthly 3.3. Please indicate how often your organization uses social media to: Provide general interest information: [ ] Do not use [ ] Use rarely [ ] Use sometimes [ ] Use often Find information (i.e. on other agencies or programs): [ ] Do not use [ ] Use rarely [ ] Use sometimes [ ] Use often Obtain consumer opinions: [ ] Do not use [ ] Use rarely [ ] Use sometimes [ ] Use often Receive referrals: [ ] Do not use [ ] Use rarely [ ] Use sometimes [ ] Use often Receive consumer inquiries: [ ] Do not use [ ] Use rarely [ ] Use sometimes [ ] Use often Connect consumers to public resource database: [ ] Do not use [ ] Use rarely [ ] Use sometimes [ ] Use often Build brand awareness (i.e. awareness of ADRC; CIL): [ ] Do not use [ ] Use rarely [ ] Use sometimes [ ] Use often Market programs/activities: [ ] Do not use [ ] Use rarely [ ] Use sometimes [ ] Use often Announce key annual events (i.e. open enrollment, Older Americans month, Disability Employment Awareness month): [ ] Do not use [ ] Use rarely [ ] Use sometimes [ ] Use often Engage with the community: [ ] Do not use [ ] Use rarely [ ] Use sometimes [ ] Use often Communicate with partners in ADRC network: [ ] Do not use [ ] Use rarely [ ] Use sometimes [ ] Use often Provide informational updates and advocacy alerts: [ ] Do not use [ ] Use rarely [ ] Use sometimes [ ] Use often Stay up-to-date on community events: [ ] Do not use [ ] Use rarely [ ] Use sometimes [ ] Use often Other: [ ] Do not use [ ] Use rarely [ ] Use sometimes [ ] Use often 3.4. Does your organization track social media usage and/or activity? [ ] Yes [ ] No 3.4.a. If yes, please briefly describe any changes (for example, increased activity) in social media usage and/or activity over the past two years. Comments: Section 4. Partnerships and I&R/A System Building 4.1. Does your agency collaborate with 211? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Do not know 4.1.a. If yes, which of the following activities do you collaborate on (check all that apply): [ ] Agency/staff cross training [ ] Community activities [ ] Data reporting [ ] Data sharing [ ] Fundraising [ ] Referrals [ ] Resource database, please detail below: [ ] Other: 4.1.b. If yes, does your agency have a written memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the 211 agency? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Other: 4.2. In general, are referrals to your organization from 211 appropriate to your services? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] My agency does not receive referrals from 211 4.3. Does your agency collaborate with other types of community-based organizations? (Please check all that apply) [ ] Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs) [ ] Area Agencies on Aging [ ] Centers for Independent Living (CILs) [ ] Colleges or Universities [ ] Community Health Centers [ ] Employment Agencies [ ] Faith-based Organizations [ ] Hospitals [ ] Housing Agencies [ ] Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities Agencies [ ] Mental Health/Behavioral Health Organizations [ ] Nursing Facilities [ ] Schools/School Districts [ ] Transportation Agencies [ ] Tribes [ ] Veteran’s Services Providers [ ] Vocational Rehabilitation [ ] Other: 4.4. Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs) and No Wrong Door (NWD) systems are intended to provide streamlined consumer access to long-term services and supports (LTSS), and to foster partnerships across service systems to provide consumers of all ages and disabilities with information and counseling. ADRCs help consumers understand and access LTSS options; NWD systems coordinate or integrate multiple LTSS entry points and access functions. Is your agency a partner in an ADRC network? [ ] Yes [ ] No 4.4.a. If yes, does your agency provide I&R/A services within this ADRC network? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Do not know 4.5. How would you describe your agency’s relationship to the ADRC in your community (or region)? [ ] My agency is the lead agency [ ] My agency is an equal partner with another agency/agencies [ ] My agency is a partner, but not an equal partner [ ] My agency receives referrals from the lead agency/agencies [ ] My agency has no relationship with the ADRC [ ] There is no ADRC in our community [ ] Other: 4.5.a. If applicable, please describe this relationship in further detail. Comments: 4.6. Does your agency participate in a No Wrong Door (NWD) system initiative? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Do not know [ ] My state/community does not have a NWD system initiative 4.6.a. If yes, does your agency provide I&R/A services within this No Wrong Door (NWD) system? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Do not know [ ] The NWD system is still in a planning phase 4.6.b. If yes, please describe your agency’s role in the NWD system. Comments: 4.7. As ADRC and NWD systems expand and mature, some are developing or strengthening partnerships with agencies in the Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) system. If your agency is part of such an effort, please describe approaches and practices that have been useful in engaging with IDD partners. Comments: Section 5. Information Technology/Management Information System (IT/MIS) 5.1. What type of TAXONOMY OR CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM does your organization use to classify, define, and access long-term services and supports and/or human services? [ ] We created our own taxonomy without the use of an existing system. [ ] We use AIRS/211 LA County Taxonomy. [ ] We use a variation of AIRS/211 LA County Taxonomy. [ ] We use another type of taxonomy. Please specify that taxonomy: [ ] Our taxonomy is in the development phase [ ] Do not know 5.2. Please identify the software your organization uses for CLIENT TRACKING/CASE MANAGEMENT AND REPORTING [ ] State-Developed Software [ ] Agency Specific, In-House Developed Software [ ] Aging Information Management System (AIMS) [ ] Bowan System's ServicePoint [ ] Care Works [ ] CIL Management Suite [ ] Enhanced Services Program (ESP) [ ] Harmony Products [ ] Microsoft Access [ ] Microsoft Excel [ ] MYCIL [ ] North Light's Resource House [ ] In-house Development [ ] RTM Designs ReferNET [ ] RTZ Associates' GetCare [ ] SunCoast Iris [ ] VisionLink Tapestry [ ] Peer Place [ ] Do not know [ ] Other: 5.2.a. Please identify the specific Harmony product that your organization uses for client tracking/case management and reporting. [ ] SAMS I&R [ ] Harmony I&R [ ] Harmony Web Resource Center [ ] Other: 5.3. How well does your client tracking/case management and reporting software meet your needs? [ ] Rarely meets our needs [ ] Sometimes meets our needs [ ] Meets our needs [ ] Exceeds our needs 5.4. Is your agency's client tracking/case management and reporting software infrastructure linked with other agencies and service organizations? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Do not know 5.4.a. If yes, which agencies? (check all that apply) [ ] State Agency [ ] Area Agency on Aging [ ] State Medicaid Office [ ] Umbrella agency (i.e. Department of Human Services) [ ] Center for Independent Living (CIL) [ ] Public Health Department [ ] Local Human Service Organization [ ] Hospitals [ ] Managed Care Organizations [ ] Transportation Agencies [ ] Emergency Preparedness Agencies [ ] Public Housing Authority [ ] Other 5.4.b. If yes, please describe the purposes for this software linkage. For example, these purposes could include sharing client-level data, making electronic referrals, and monitoring client progress across multiple programs. Comments: 5.5. Does your organization use the same software system for client tracking/case management and reporting as it does for its resource database that supports Information and Referral/Assistance? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Do not know [ ] Our organization does not maintain a resource database 5.5.a. If no, please identify the software your organization uses for its resource database. [ ] State-Developed Software [ ] Agency Specific, In-House Developed Software [ ] Care Works [ ] CIL Management Suite [ ] Enhanced Services Program (ESP) [ ] Harmony Products [ ] MYCIL [ ] North Light's Resource House [ ] PeerPlace [ ] RTM Designs ReferNET [ ] RTZ Associates' GetCare [ ] SunCoast Iris [ ] Trilogy Network of Care [ ] VisionLink Tapestry [ ] Other (please specify): 5.5.b. Please identify the specific Harmony product that your organization uses for its resource database. [ ] SAMS I&R [ ] Harmony I&R [ ] Harmony Web Resource Center [ ] Other: 5.6. How well does your resource database software meet your agency’s needs? [ ] Rarely meets our needs [ ] Sometimes meets our needs [ ] Meets our needs [ ] Exceeds our needs 5.7. How many information systems do I&R/A staff at your agency have to input data in? [ ] One [ ] Two [ ] Three or more [ ] Other: 5.8. With which other entities does your organization share its resource database? (check all that apply) [ ] None, we are the only organization that uses the database [ ] State Agency [ ] Area Agency on Aging [ ] Local Human Service Organization [ ] Center for Independent Living (CIL) [ ] 211 [ ] Hospitals [ ] Managed Care Organizations [ ] Transportation Agency [ ] Public Housing Authority [ ] The Public [ ] Other: 5.8.a. If your organization shares its resource database with the public, please describe what practices have been useful in creating consumer-friendly access to database resources (such as via a website, resource directory, or other mechanisms). Comments: Section 6. Agency Standards and Quality Assurance 6.1. What set of professional standards for I&R/A does your agency use? [ ] My agency does not use professional I&R/A standards [ ] AIRS Standards exclusively [ ] Modified AIRS Standards [ ] ADRC standards [ ] We have developed our own standards [ ] Do not know [ ] Other: 6.2. Has your agency attained AIRS Accreditation? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] My agency is currently in the process of attaining AIRS Accreditation [ ] My agency has never sought AIRS Accreditation, please comment below: [ ] Do not know Comments: 6.3. Does your agency have quality assurance (QA) measures for I&R/A services? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Do not know 6.3.a. If yes, which QA measures does your agency use (check all that apply)? [ ] Consumer satisfaction surveys [ ] Consumer focus groups [ ] Data collection and analysis [ ] Complaint investigation [ ] Consumer follow up calls (random or scheduled) [ ] Supervisor shadowing staff on home visits [ ] Supervisor reviewing phone calls [ ] Site monitoring [ ] Interviewing randomly selected consumers [ ] Secret Shopper (calls to your agency from supervisor or other entity to assess an inquirer’s experience) [ ] Other, please specify: 6.4. Data and findings from quality assurance measures can inform quality improvement activities to improve the overall quality of I&R/A services. Does your agency use information from its QA measures to support quality improvement (QI) activities? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Do not know 6.4.a. If yes, please describe how your agency uses information from quality assurance (QA) measures to support quality improvement (QI) activities to improve I&R/A practices, programs, and services. Comments: 6.5. If your agency is a state agency, does your agency have a quality assurance program to assess the quality (such as consistency, reliability, accuracy and timeliness) of I&R/A services provided through the aging and/or disability network in your state? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Do not know 6.5.a. If yes, please describe the quality assurance program in your state. Comments: 6.6. Does your agency measure outcomes for individuals that receive I&R/A services? Outcome measures could address service outcomes, such as whether an individual received the help they needed through the referral(s) provided, or could address individual outcomes such as increased knowledge of available supports. [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Do not know 6.6.a. If yes, please describe the types of outcomes that your agency assesses, and the types of outcome measures that your agency uses. Comments: Section 7. Training and Certification 7.1. Are I&R/A specialists in your agency given training on topics related to I&R/A? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Do not know 7.1.a. If yes, please mark the topics on which I&R/A training is provided (check all that apply) [ ] Advocacy (individual and/or system advocacy) [ ] Communication skills (i.e. active listening, motivational interviewing) [ ] Crisis intervention [ ] Data collection and/or reporting [ ] Disaster/emergency preparedness [ ] Diversity [ ] I&R and/or case management software [ ] I&R/A process (i.e., rapport, assessment, clarification, information giving, referrals and assistance, closure, follow-up) [ ] Use of resource database [ ] Other: 7.2. Are I&R/A specialists in your agency given training on the Medicare low-income subsidies (i.e. the Medicare Savings Programs and the Medicare Part D Low-Income Subsidy “Extra Help”)? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Do not know 7.3. Please explain your agency’s I&R/A certification requirement [ ] My agency does not have a certification requirement [ ] All I&R specialists must become AIRS Certified [ ] A certain percentage of specialists must become AIRS Certified, please comment below: [ ] Specialists are encouraged but not required to become AIRS Certified [ ] Specialists must achieve certification in something besides AIRS certification, please comment below: [ ] Specialists must complete training, but not necessarily certification, on certain I&R/A-related topics, please comment below: [ ] Other: 7.3.a. If your agency does not require or encourage AIRS Certification, please provide the primary reason: [ ] I&R/A is not a priority [ ] We require another professional credential; please detail below: [ ] Cost [ ] Not aware of AIRS Certification [ ] Access to certification training [ ] Access to examination sites [ ] We do not believe that Certification helps quality [ ] We do not believe that Certification adds value to the agency [ ] We do not engage in I&R/A [ ] Other: 7.4. If your agency is a state agency, does your agency have policies to encourage or require certification of I&R/A specialists in the aging and/or disability network in your state? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Do not know 7.4.a. If yes, please describe the policies to encourage or require certification of I&R/A specialists Comments: 7.5. Does your agency provide certification training to prepare I&R staff to take AIRS certification exams? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Do not know [ ] Other: 7.6. Does your agency have an AIRS Certified Resource Specialist(s) on staff to maintain your agency’s resource database? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Do not know [ ] My agency does not maintain a resource database 7.7. AIRS, in partnership with NASUAD and n4a, is changing its credential in aging to a credential in aging/disabilities. Effective March 16, 2015, the Certified Information & Referral Specialist – Aging (CIRS-A) credential moves to the Certified Information & Referral Specialist – Aging/Disabilities (CIRS-A/D) credential. The change from the CIRS-A to the new CIRS-A/D credential will make AIRS Certification: [ ] More attractive to your agency [ ] Less attractive to your agency [ ] No change [ ] Do not know [ ] Other: 7.8. With the new CIRS-A/D credential, do you think that your agency will encourage or require additional staff to become AIRS Certified? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Do not know [ ] My agency is not familiar with AIRS certification 7.9. Does your agency cross-train staff to serve both older adults and persons with disabilities? [ ] Yes [ ] No 7.9.a. If yes, please explain: Section 8. Sustainability: Private Pay Population 8.1. Does your agency provide information and referral about private pay services? (private pay services are paid by private consumer funds rather than by public assistance or subsidy) [ ] Yes [ ] No 8.1.a. If yes, what private pay services do consumers seek information and referral about most frequently? Please mark the TOP FIVE. [ ] General information [ ] Home delivered meals [ ] Transportation [ ] Nursing home [ ] Assisted living [ ] Environmental adaptations [ ] Assistive technology [ ] Personal care [ ] Homemaker services [ ] Chore services [ ] Respite care [ ] Adult day [ ] Housing assistance [ ] Legal issues [ ] Family caregiver support [ ] Other: 8.1.b. If yes, please describe any practices undertaken by your agency to facilitate providing I&R/A on private pay services (for example, increasing the number of private pay service providers included in your resource database). Comments: 8.2. Has your agency seen an increase in requests for private pay services in the last two years? [ ] Yes [ ] No 8.3. In addition to providing information and referral about private pay services, some agencies themselves offer fee-based services to private pay consumers. Does your agency offer fee-based services to private pay consumers? [ ] Yes [ ] No 8.3.a. If yes, please mark which fee-based services your agency offers to private pay consumers (check all that apply) [ ] Adult day program [ ] Care transitions [ ] Case management/care coordination [ ] Exercise/fitness/physical activity programming [ ] Functional/needs assessment [ ] Disease management [ ] Health and wellness programming [ ] Homemaker/chore service [ ] Meals program/service [ ] Personal care services [ ] Respite [ ] Transportation [ ] Other: 8.4. Does your agency currently conduct outreach to private pay consumers? [ ] Yes [ ] No 8.4.a. If yes, how does your agency conduct outreach to the private pay population? [ ] Targeted marketing [ ] Outreach events [ ] Partnership development [ ] Other: 8.5. What are some promising practices your agency has used in serving private pay consumers? Comments: Section 9. Sustainability: Expanding Roles for I&R/A Agencies 9.1. Does your agency provide services to consumers enrolled in a Medicaid waiver program? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Do not know 9.1.a. If yes, which of the following services do you provide? Check all that apply. [ ] Case management/care coordination [ ] Functional/needs assessment [ ] Homemaker/chore service [ ] Meals program/service [ ] Personal care services [ ] Adult day program [ ] Transportation [ ] Respite [ ] Exercise/fitness/physical activity programming [ ] Disease management [ ] Health and wellness programming [ ] Care transitions [ ] Other: 9.1.b. If your agency provides both case management/care coordination AND any of the other services listed above, please describe any firewalls you have put in place to comply with the new Medicaid requirements for conflict-free case management. Comments: 9.2 Does your agency operate in a state that uses managed care plans to deliver Medicaid services (including long-term services and supports) to consumers? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Do not know 9.2.a. If yes, does your agency provide any of the following roles for the state agency (i.e., the lead state agency for the managed LTSS program)? Check all that apply. [ ] Options/choice counseling [ ] Ombudsman [ ] Level of care assessments [ ] Functional assessments [ ] Enrollment broker [ ] Consumer outreach and engagement [ ] Other: 9.2.b. If yes, does your agency have a contract with a managed care plan to provide services, such as case management, meals, or transportation, to consumers who belong to that plan? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Do not know 9.3. If your agency does not have a formal role with the state agency (i.e., the lead state agency for the managed LTSS program), has your agency discussed what it would take for your agency to pursue those opportunities? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Do not know [ ] My state does not have managed LTSS 9.4. If your agency does not provide services to managed care enrollees, has your agency discussed what it would take for your agency to pursue those opportunities? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Do not know [ ] My state does not have managed LTSS 9.5. Has your agency invested any resources in pricing the services that it provides, or developing business systems that would facilitate contracts with private entities? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Do not know 9.6. If your agency is interested in these activities, but needs help, have you sought assistance? [ ] Yes; please detail below: [ ] No [ ] Do not know 9.7. Does your organization participate in the implementation of a transition program or service (in which individuals are identified and assisted in making a successful transition from institutions such as hospitals or nursing facilities to community-based living)? [ ] Yes [ ] No 9.7.a. If yes, please describe your organization’s role and identify any particular grant program/initiative (such as Money Follow the Person or the Community-based Care Transitions Program) that your organization participates in. Comments: 9.8. Does your organization participate in the implementation of a diversion program or service (in which individuals at risk of institutional placement are assisted to stay living at home)? [ ] Yes [ ] No 9.8.a. If yes, please describe your organization’s role. Comments: 9.9. Does your organization participate in the implementation of a youth transition program or service (to support the transition of youth with disabilities from secondary education to postsecondary life such as higher education or employment)? [ ] Yes [ ] No 9.9.a. If yes, please describe your organization’s role, and identify if the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 (which adds “transition” as a fifth CIL core service) will impact your organization’s role in youth transition. Comments: 9.10. In a changing environment, aging and disability I&R/A agencies are challenged to both sustain and expand their business model. Please share one innovative sustainability strategy that your agency is undertaking. Comments: Section 10. Conclusion and General Comments 10.1. What do you see as the TOP THREE issues affecting your I&R/A organization? Mark the top three. [ ] Changes to long-term services and supports system [ ] Data collection [ ] Funding/sustainability [ ] Housing [ ] Limited resources in the community to serve inquirers [ ] Medicaid managed care [ ] Mental health [ ] Partnerships with other agencies/service systems [ ] Resource database [ ] Serving new populations, please comment below: [ ] Staffing [ ] Supports/resources for caregivers [ ] Transportation [ ] Other: 10.2. Please share any other general comments. Comments: Thank you for taking our survey. Your response is very important to us! If you have further questions or would like information on CIRS-A/D, please contact the Information & Referral Support Center at or visit AIRS at If you would like further information and resources, including outreach materials, on the Medicare low-income subsidies, please visit NASUAD at