NCIL is Documenting the Impact of Electronic Visit Verification in the United States The 21st Century Cures Act, passed into law December 2016, includes a provision requiring all states to implement Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) systems for home health care services and personal care services paid by Medicaid. Each state must have some form of EVV in use by January 1, 2020. States are required to: ensure a robust stakeholder engagement process with consumers and independent providers of home care services; follow best practice guidelines; and ensure training is provided on use of EVV systems. The intent and purpose of this survey is to collect information from end users of EVV systems (consumers and their home care providers) regarding their experience participating in their state’s EVV selection process and use of EVV on a regular basis. Please include as much information as you are willing to provide. The information you provide will remain confidential and only used as aggregate data. In instances where individual stories are used as examples, all identifying information shall remain anonymous. Your information will never be sold to another party. Directions: Please fill in the blank or circle the answer that best describes your situation. 1. My home zip code is: 2. I am a(n): [ ] a. Client with a traditional home health care agency [ ] b. Consumer / employer under self-direction [ ] c. Independent provider or personal care assistant to disabled client(s) [ ] d. Provider with a home health care agency [ ] e. Designated representative, spouse or parent of a disabled individual receiving services [ ] f. Individual that lives with a consumer, but I do not provide the service [ ] g. Other: 3. If you provide home care services to a client, please tell us about all client relationships for those individuals you serve. I provide services to: [ ] a. A family member or partner who lives in the same home as I do [ ] b. A family member or partner who lives separately from myself [ ] c. A non-relative [ ] d. I am not a service provider / home care employee [ ] e. Other: Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) may be implemented by the state, a home health care agency, managed care plan or a fiscal agent such as a payroll provider. Please use the 'Other' option to provide more details you would like to share with us. 4. Has EVV implementation begun in your area? [ ] a. Yes, and I participate(d) in the selection process / stakeholder engagement [ ] b. Yes, but I did not participate in the selection process / stakeholder engagement [ ] c. No, I am unaware of EVV implementation in my area [ ] d. Other: 5. How are stakeholder engagement meetings held? Select all that apply. [ ] a. In-person [ ] b. Over the phone [ ] c. Via Webinar [ ] d. Other: 6. Describe the EVV system selected in your state. Please include if you are mandated to use one specific system or if there is an option between multiple types of systems. If you are unaware of alternate options, please also include this information. 7. Does your state’s EVV system use any of the following components? Select all that apply. [ ] a. GPS tracking required [ ] b. Biometric (fingerprinting, voice recognition or facial recognition) required [ ] c. Geofencing (imaginary perimeter around consumer’s home) [ ] d. None of these. [ ] e. I’m not sure. [ ] f. Other: 8. Are you currently using EVV? [ ] a. Yes [ ] b. No [ ] c. I’m not sure. Select any of the statements below that you feel describes the impact of electronic visit verification (EVV) you've experienced. You may also tell your own story to share information about how EVV impacts you. 9. How has EVV use impacted you? [ ] a. I stay at home more often because I don't want to risk non-payment of services. / My client and I stay at their home more often because we do not want to risk non-payment of services. [ ] b. I feel like a criminal being tracked in private and community settings. [ ] c. My provider has left or has plans to leave their job due to EVV. / I will leave my position as a home care service provider due to EVV. [ ] d. I have been forced into an institutional setting against my will due to loss of providers. / My client was forced into an institutional setting due to loss of other providers. [ ] e. My personal health information (name, address, insurance ID numbers, social security number, photographs or recordings) has been compromised or leaked to others without my permission. [ ] f. The EVV system is not accessible to me due to unmet disability-related access needs. [ ] g. The EVV system is too time-consuming and/or does not work as easily as described. [ ] h. Use of EVV has lessened the quality of home care services delivered to the consumer. [ ] i. I do not feel that EVV use has impacted me or the services delivered. [ ] j. Other: 10. Please tell us any other information about EVV and its impact on you that you have not already shared in this survey. Completed surveys can be emailed to or mailed to: National Council on Independent Living (NCIL) Attn: Lindsay Baran 2013 H St. NW, 6th Fl. Washington, D.C. 20006